9 Benefits of Adho Mukha Shvanasana
Why is the Adho Mukha Shvanasana such a popular asana in any yogic practise?
Why is the Adho Mukha Shvanasana such a popular asana in any yogic practise? It’s almost safe to say that every yoga teacher will always throw in a downward dog somewhere in their yoga class. This pose can be used creatively as a transition asana, bringing together a beautiful yoga flow. Or it can be a great asana to hold for minutes at a stretch, which is restorative and yields various benefits.
Let us look at some benefits about Adho Mukha Shvanasana, the downward dog:
- This asana is great for digestion.
- The position of having the head lower than the heart promotes good blood flow.
- This asana relieves menstruation pain.
- The pose strengthens the feet and helps cure flat feet.
- It creates the perfect balance between the upper and lower part of the body.
- Helps combat headache, insomnia, fatigue, depression, anxiety
- The downward dog is actually a gentle inversion.
- It stretches the hamstrings.
- It opens up the chest and shoulders.
Let us not delay any longer on the benefits of practicing the downward dog. It’s time to get started!
- Start by sitting in Vajrasana.
- Get into table-top position, creating a 90 degree angle with the body.
- Inhale and as you exhale, gently lift the lower body up from the buttocks.
- Push the heels down towards the ground, deeper with every exhalation. Try to have both heels completely on the ground.
- Stretch into your shoulders and arms, deeper each time, for a great opening in the back.
- Hold this position for 8 breaths.
- With an exhalation, bring the body down into table top position and then flow into balasana.
- Release the body and relax in this pose.
- Inhale, rise back up with hands in Namaskara. Gently open your eyes.
The best part about this pose is that anyone can practice it! Even if you find it a little difficult, don’t hesitate in bending the knees slightly, or paddling the legs to bring the heels down a little closer each time, still experiencing all the benefits! Someone with sciatica or knee pain may be gentler with the asana, but no harm in giving it a try! Let us experience the serenity, peace and balance that the yogis do by holding this asana and going deeper into it everyday.
Here’s a video on How to do Adho Mukha Shvanasana to make it easier!
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