
9 Benefits of Adho Mukha Shvanasana

Why is the Adho Mukha Shvanasana such a popular asana in any yogic practise?

Why is the Adho Mukha Shvanasana such a popular asana in any yogic practise? It’s almost safe to say that every yoga teacher will always throw in a downward dog somewhere in their yoga class. This pose can be used creatively as a transition asana, bringing together a beautiful yoga flow. Or it can be a great asana to hold for minutes at a stretch, which is restorative and yields various benefits. 

Let us look at some benefits about Adho Mukha Shvanasana, the downward dog:

Let us not delay any longer on the benefits of practicing the downward dog. It’s time to get started!

The best part about this pose is that anyone can practice it! Even if you find it a little difficult, don’t hesitate in bending the knees slightly, or paddling the legs to bring the heels down a little closer each time, still experiencing all the benefits! Someone with sciatica or knee pain may be gentler with the asana, but no harm in giving it a try! Let us experience the serenity, peace and balance that the yogis do by holding this asana and going deeper into it everyday.

Here’s a video on How to do Adho Mukha Shvanasana to make it easier!

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