international day of yoga

SRMD Yoga goes Global on International Day of Yoga

The United Nations has declared June 21 as the International Day of Yoga.

SRMD Yoga has been celebrating each International Yoga Day with a series of Fun to do Yoga Challenges on Social Media like #PadmasanaChallenge, #NamaskaraChallenge, #Warrior Challenge and a Chain of Classes and Workshops conducted as large-scale programs in multiple locations. These tools have made it a possibility for people of all age groups, religions, nationalities and social backgrounds to experience the wonders of yoga. There is no distinction or demarcation. Just a smooth flow of love and energy among people who practice it and choose to live a healthy lifestyle.


On the forthcoming occasion of International Day of Yoga 2021, health and harmony is promoted through the SRMD Yoga collaborations with –

We recognize International Day of Yoga as a remarkable channel to raise awareness worldwide about the importance and impact of yoga on the wellbeing of people.

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