SRMD Yoga Disclaimer
- During yoga classes, workshops, courses, drop-in class, or any similar yoga related event that I choose to participate in (hereinafter referred to as the “Event”), held by Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur Yoga (hereinafter referred to as “SRMD Yoga”), I voluntarily and willingly choose to participate in the classes offered by SRMD Yoga, including workshops and courses (all such classes are hereto referred to as “Yoga Classes”).
- I recognise that the Event and the Yoga Classes in which I will be participating may require physical and mental exertion. I further understand and acknowledge that despite the care taken by SRMD Yoga and its intructors, the Event and the Yoga Classes may expose me to many risks, including accidents, injury, illness, and so forth. I assume all risk of injuries associated with my participation in the Event and the Yoga Classes, including but not limited to injuries, strains, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, contact with nature/animals, local food, and all other such risks being known and appreciated by me.
- I understand that it is my full responsibility to consult a physician/doctor prior to and regarding my participation in the Event and the Yoga Classes, and I understand SRMD Yoga has no medical obligation/responsibility upon its students. Any hospital, clinic or local doctor I may need to attend to are not related to SRMD Yoga, and therefore SRMD Yoga is not responsible for any medical approach received privately outside of the premises of the school.
- I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition, which would prevent my full participation in the Event and Yoga Classes I have applied to join. In the case of having a previous injury, I am completely responsible for the outcome of my participation in the Event and/or Yoga Classes, and I don’t expect SRMD Yoga, or any of its instructors to provide me any consultation, treatment or recommendation for my physical condition, at any given time of the Event/Yoga Classes.
- I understand that in the event of any injury, in need to consult a doctor, or in need of hospitalisation, I shall be responsible for my own treatment and for any fees or amounts related to such consultation or hospitalisation. I also understand that SRMD Yoga cannot facilitate contact with external medical resources, neither is it SRMD Yoga’s responsibility to acquire/arrange these services for me. I also acknowledge that SRMD Yoga’s instructors cannot provide any diagnosis and/or treatment.
- If I am pregnant, I understand that I participate fully at my own risk and that of my unborn child/children. Also, if I have any injury or medical condition (including but not limited to injuries, heart problems, back or neck problems, asthma, epilepsy, hernia, high blood pressure, and so forth), I understand that I may be not fit to participate in certain Yoga Classes, in which case I will inform SRMD Yoga immediately of such condition, and SRMD Yoga shall have the full authority to prohibit me from participating in such Yoga Classes, if need be. In any case, whether I have disclosed or have not disclosed such injury or problem, I understand that if despite my injury or condition I still decide to participate in the Yoga Classes, I would be participating fully at my own risk.
- I understand that from time to time during in-person Yoga Classes, the instructor may physically adjust students’ form and posture, and I hereby accept receiving such adjustments. If I do not want such physical adjustments for any reason whatsoever, notably because of an injury, or any other personal reason, I will so inform the instructor at each class I attend. I also acknowledge that if I do wish to receive such adjustments, it is my responsibility to inform the instructor when an adjustment has gone as far as I desire at that time.
- I hereby take full and sole responsibility from any liability of loss or damage to personal property associated with the Event, the Yoga Classes or any other events held by SRMD Yoga.
- I understand and agree that full amount paid to book my place or yoga package is non-refundable, non-cancellable and non-transferable to another person under any circumstances, unless pre-approved by SRMD Yoga’s management team, in writing.
- I understand and agree that SRMD Yoga may from time to time, as it deems fit, change the course content, schedule, teachers, and any other methodological, technical, or logistic aspect of the Event I am participating in, without previous notice.
- When purchasing a Package option, the package must be redeemed within the specified time period; if not redeemed before expiry, the package cannot be availed for classes and no refunds will be given.
- SRMD Yoga reserves the right to cancel Yoga classes and Events at any time due to unforeseen circumstances. In the event of any cancellations, you will be informed prior to the event. You will be permitted to reschedule the cancelled class or avail a full refund.
- I acknowledge that SRMD Yoga may take photographs or/and videos of the Event that may include me, and I hereby represent that I have no objection of SRMD Yoga taking such photographs or/and videos. I authorise SRMD Yoga, its assignees and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that SRMD Yoga may use such photographs and/or videos of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content. I also understand, I can take my own pictures and videos, to post on my personal Social Media, but only and only if all my classmates and teachers agree and feel comfortable with me posting these pics on public posts on my wall.
After having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of my participation in the Event, I agree, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, to hold harmless, waive, release, and covenant not to sue SRMD Yoga, its trainers, its officers, agents, volunteers, organisers, representatives, and successors from any responsibility, liabilities, demands, actions, or claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, while participating in SRMD Yoga’s activities, or while in, on or upon the premises where the activity is being conducted.